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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

10/2 Tech Artricle

Apple iPhone 6s Release
  • The new iPhone 6s along with the 6s plus were released about a week ago on September 19. 
  • The two new iPhones are very similar to the 6 and 6 plus in size. However, they do have a new sensitive touch screen that can perform different functions depending on how much pressure you but on the screen. 
  • They released a new color named rose gold. 
  • The new iPhone has broken an apple record for most sold with 13 million. The previous high was ten million for the iPhone 6. 
  • The iPhone is planned to be released on October 9 in 40 other countries. 
  • Click here to access the article. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

9/25 Technology Article

Apple Car Development Speeds Up

  • Apple has announced that they have sped up their electric car project.
  • It is projected to launch in 2019. 
  • It is going to be modeled after the BMW i3.
  • Some indications show that Apple may look to more anonymous vehicles to model after. 
  • Many people believe the car won't be ready by 2019 but Apple has always been known for their quick development.     
Click here to access the main article. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Pre-Posting

This year I am taking AP physics for the first time in my highschool career. I know that the course is going to have a heavy work load but I am prepared to work hard to provide myself with a better future. The teacher of the course is Mr. Hassinger and this is his first year teaching this course. The grading policy in this class is heavily decided by tests and quizzes. They make up majority of the grade, while homework and classwork take up a smaller percentage. I expected to learn In depth physics throughout the year when I first entered the class. To this date I have learned kinematic equations and dynamics. I enjoy how Mr. Hassinger uses technology to improve our learning, he has a 3D printer and he also requires us to take notes every day on the google chrome books. I have already begun to enjoy this class and I hope that this year turns out to be just as good as it now. I know I will have to work very hard in this class. Hopefully at the end of the year I can pass the AP exam and gain some valuable collge credits.